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In 1993 my dad, at the request of my grade 3 teacher Mr. Hall, bought me an IBM PS/1. 

It ran DOS with windows 3.1, had 8 MB of RAM, a processor speed of 20 MHz and 60 MB of hard drive space.

From that day forward I've always had an unrelenting drive for curiosity, design and technology. Seeing, feeling, hearing and understanding how people experience and design applications and systems.

I'm fascinated by technology and the relationships we as humans form with it.


Being part of workplaces across two continents has instilled my passion for understanding people, culture and human behavior - building knowledge around how people work and their interaction with technology.

Nothing will ever be quite like the day my dad brought home that IBM PS/1,

but with my work I hope to have others feel as inspired as I did that day in 1993.



Today, my work focuses on helping large to medium size government clients continuously improve services, understand human behavior and design memorable experiences. 

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